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richter magnitude scale中文是什么意思

用"richter magnitude scale"造句"richter magnitude scale"怎么读"richter magnitude scale" in a sentence


  • 黎克特制地震震级
  • 黎克特制规模
  • 里氏地震规模
  • 里氏震级
  • 芮氏地震规模
  • 芮氏规模


  • Probably the best - known gauge of earthquake intensity is the local richter magnitude scale , developed in 1935 by united states seismologist charles f . richter
  • A massive earthquake measuring 9 . 0 on the richter magnitude scale creates a tsunami causing devastation in sri lanka , india , indonesia , thailand , malaysia , the maldives and many other areas around the rim of the indian ocean
    2004年的今天,一场大里氏9 . 0级的大地震在斯里兰卡、印度、印度尼西亚、泰国、马来西亚、马尔代夫等印度洋边缘地区引发了破坏性的海啸。
用"richter magnitude scale"造句  


The Richter magnitude scale (often shortened to Richter scale) was developed to assign a single number to quantify the energy released during an earthquake.
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